Body Biology: Some Medicine
Our body is the biological organism
that serves us as a physical vehicle while we interact with
the material universe as a
life form - a spiritual being
which literally means "taking on flesh". We could call it a
machine, only that it is not made from metal like cars and
aeroeplanes, but from carbon based organic molecules. The
body is the vehicle, the spiritual being is the driver - so
far so good. The body has also another role, which is to
point at difficulties in life lessons that have somehow
escaped our attention. The body acts as the last and loudest
in a series of alarm signals.
More about that later.
Now, like any other machine this vehicle
needs professional maintenance. The science developed to do that is
medicine. Or we would hope so, because it is still not fully
developed. Traditional medicine believes that it understands the human
body, but really what it has done is mostly to document it.
Documenting is not the same thing as understanding though! We have
learned much about the body's material aspects, but about
its energetic aspects and about the way it interacts with
the spiritual being we know very little - mostly because
there is no such thing as a spiritual being in the cosmology
of medicine.
Health author and coach
Matt Traverso |
We are not going to discuss anything medical
on this page, but the human body from a spiritual angle, its
energetic aspects, and the way diseases first become visible in our
spiritual and mental world - long before they
manifest physically. If you need medical information, here
is the website of a brilliant doctor who knows both school medicine
and alternative medicine (recently renamed to "complementary medicine"): He has
articles about every health problem you can think of. Another area
where he excels is nutrition. Mercola sees
through the wild mix of information and disinformation in the
medical arena that is currently on the internet. He is also aware of
what has been called the "medical mafia" - an industry that lives
from keeping people sick rather than making or keeping them healthy.
So he would be an expert to consult. Or have a look at the
e-books of brilliant health author
Matt Traverso - real treasures.
Here is another page, compiled by our
website's author Heidrun Beer for a magazine: It has important
links to websites about cancer and other diseases (diabetes,
dementia) that traditional medicine cannot handle yet, and some of
her book reviews on body health. More of her health book reviews
We also encourage you to have yourself coached in the role of a
Caring Commander by a
Life Lesson Processing practitioner - we neither want to be the
body's slave nor its tyrant - this coaching assists you in
developing good leadership toward your body. See also our
chapters on the body's
life cycle and a
Healthy Old Age
on the Entropy
The Human Body - Information Still Coming
What is encouraging is the fact that
the human body's documentation by science has continously
expanded. Beginning with the unaided eye, we went to
magnifying glasses, then microscopes, then electron
microscopes; we went from plain light to x-rays, ultrasound
and magnetic resonance images; from doctors who tasted urine
samples with their tongues to laboratory analysis, gas
chromatography and DNA tests.
Is there a chance that this
expansion goes even further - into the range of what is
sometimes called the subtle energies? Each time we
expanded our collection of instruments, we found more things to see. What
else is waiting there? Will any of these new angles show us
the really true truth? Or is there some truth in all of the
Matter Is Not Solid At All
In a nutshell: the
solidity of matter is an
illusion. If we look into any piece of matter with a high factor of
magnification, we find that it consists mostly of space, with only a
few particles in it - much like in a galaxy, where the stars are
separated by light years of more or less empty space. And even the
few particles of matter are not really particles if we take a close
look: they are just energy clouds swirling in patterns that on the
one hand are predictable, but on the other hand are also random.
If matter developed any more curiosity and
self-confidence in following random impulses, it would fly around
our ears. Any moment the chair on which we are sitting could
suddenly decide that it would now like to turn into a flower pot, a
racing bike, or a cloud of pink smoke. So it is good that it is
still content with the relatively passive role it has taken on in
the spirit/matter relationship -
otherwise we could quickly run out of bricks to build houses, paper
nappies for our infants, Formula 1 cars to entertain husbands, or
the computers that are the backbone of the internet.
Modern science has a lot more work to do to
ultimately decipher matter. With
Physics, it is currently nearly going spiritual. Miracles
find scientific explanations, and people can get trained to do them
- see the mindboggling things that
Bartlett does in his
Matrix Energetics

Anybody getting hit over
the head with this chunk of coal would not believe that
there is so much empty space in it - its solidity is a total
illusion! |

Entry of the carbon
atom. This mini solar system is the basic building block
for all organic molecules, including the ones in our
body. It is also the main component of the coal that we
burn in the furnace. |

In models, the carbon
atom is represented by black spheres. Oxygen is red,
hydrogen white. These little ethyl alcohol doggies will give you a hangover
if you swallow enough of them! |

photo of a
molecule - a high tech pigment. We can clearly see that
it is not solid - it consists of foggy clouds of energy. |
Our Body - An Energy Cloud

Our body is an energy cloud! Complicated and
full of little tricks here and there, but still an energy cloud! It
only looks like a naked monkey. The animal on the photo to the left is not a horse either. It only resembles
one because we look from a great distance and at the right angle (point
of view). If we approached this dark nebula in a spaceship, it would look
less and less solid the closer we come. Finally we could fly through it and would not
notice any solidity anymore (or so we hope).
Same for our bodies. We could fly through them
if we were small enough - like, say, a neutrino (a minute energy
particle). We really have to say good
bye to the idea that bodies are solid. Only if the
curious eye who is looking is tuned to light of a certain wavelength, a human body
appears to be more solid than any other energy cloud. To X-rays again it is only
partially solid, and other rays of energy find it completely
transparent - they go right through.
Wavelengths Of Light And
Magnification Factors

Human skin from the usual
in plain light and without
magnification. |

Magnified: Cross section of human skin. |

magnified: A tiny ghost may see
skin like this... |

No skin
visible. Is there really
such a thing as a skin?
Prove it! |
An alien with X-ray eyes would
see only our skeleton. What about our muscles? What about our blood?
Are they not real, just because he does not see them with his
special set of eyes? A super model might be quite upset if that
space visitor did not pay any attention to her perfect bust or her
impressive eyelashes. And what's more serious, they could really
hurt us by innocently reaching through the cavities they perceive
below our ribs. "Didn't see your liver and kidneys, sorry I killed
you." Ooops! Obviously
there are things that do exist even if we don't see them. Obviously
we have not gone all the way in expanding our instruments to examine
the human body. Let's stop to be childish - the forest does not
disappear just because it is night. We only don't see the trees
because the sun is down for a few hours. In other words: There are
things that are waiting for us to see them - we just need to switch
on the right light.
In this context it may be
interesting to know that there are people who can see ghosts -
spirits who don't currently have a physical body. They see them kind
of foggy, but they do see them. On the other hand there are reports
from people who have left their body and went to the so-called
Astral Planes - the same area where we live between our
incarnations, the "afterlife". And suddenly the people there, who
don't have a
physical body anymore, became totally solid to them, they could see
and even touch them - while the Earth plane with its scenery and
buildings and people, which was still close enough to be in plain
view, became more and more foggy and transparent and unreal. Hold on
for a moment, we'll get back to that.
States of Aggregation
These are the states of aggregation of physical
matter - solid, liquid, gaseous. A fourth is also known - it is
called plasma, where the atoms themselves no longer hold together.

Particles in solid matter
live in firm structures.
They sit in their cities
and never leave town. |

Particles in liquid matter
travel a lot,
but they still stay on the
ground. |

Particles in gaseous matter
travel even
more - and they are no
longer earthbound. |
What if the states of
aggregation simply go on, to always thinner and finer forms?
What if the bones in our body are
not the only structure that is surrounded by something less
dense? If there is a softer layer of energy around the innermost,
hardest layer that we call
bones, maybe there is yet another layer of
energy around the outer, half-solid layers that we call
flesh and skin, even softer than skin, very much softer,
finer, thinner?
What does the photo to the right
show? A lense reflex on a camera? Photoshop work? No - it's
a so-called
Kirlian photography, made with a special camera
and special light. It shows more of the human body than we
see with our eyeballs. It shows the finer layers, the layers
consisting of energy less dense than that of the visible
body - but
energy nonetheless - just in a different
state of
aggregation than the energy that makes up the molecules of
our flesh and our bones. |

Kirlian photography of the
aura (subtle bodies) |
The Tuner Concept
The information gathered so far
strongly suggests that in order to see the various aspects of the
body, we need to think like a radio tuner. We need to tune to X-ray
frequency if we want to see bones, we need to tune to ultrasound
frequency if we want to see structures like the pancreas or the
kidneys inside the belly, and if we want to see the structures
outside the skin, we need to tune into their respective more
"subtle" (faster, more high-pitched) frequencies, like the
ones used in
Kirlian photography.

Seeing the
various layers of reality requires tuning in to their native
frequency levels.
Actually we get the very same
information from just about anybody who has explored the "other
side" during a
Near Death Experience (NDE) or an
Out of Body
Experience (OBE). Many people who visited there and then returned to
the physical plane have asked the residents there or some tourist guide for an explanation of how
we could see the people who live on these different layers of existence,
and the answer was invariably that we can see them as soon as we
tune in to their native frequencies. Further informatino: the
physical body tunes us down so much that we cannot tune in to the
non-physical planes - this is why they become visible much better
when we go out of body.
Sometimes we are lucky and even
catch them on camera! Read the following story, taken from
Railroad Crossing Ghost
strange legend surrounds a railroad crossing
just south of San Antonio, Texas. The
intersection of roadway and railroad track,
so the story goes, was the site of a tragic
accident in which several school-aged
children were killed - but their ghosts
linger at the spot and will push idled cars
across the tracks, even though the path is
story may be just the stuff of urban legend,
but the accounts were intriguing enough that
I wrote an article about the phenomenon,
"The Haunted Railroad Crossing."
article included a photograph submitted by
Andy and Debi Chesney. Their daughter and
some of her friends had recently been to the
crossing to test the legend, and she took
some photographs. Inexplicably, a strange,
transparent figure turned up in one of the
photos. "They had no idea that it was in the
picture until the next day when I printed
out the picture and showed them," said the
Chesneys. "It was really freaky. It appears
to be a little girl carrying a teddy bear."

Aura photography ís a new
diagnostic system, where areas of trouble can be seen long
before they manifest in the physical body. Google Translator
will help you to translate the explanations of the numbers
shown on the german page at |
Ancient Knowledge - The
Subtle Bodies
The knowledge about these
so-called subtle bodies - in their entirety they are called the
human aura - is not new. Quite to the contrary, it is so
old that we have buried it as a myth together with legends of flying
Gods, ancient sites of nuclear explosions, and other things that we could never verify. But
now we can verify
them - if we look at the Kirlian aura photo here, they are in plain
Today the knowledge of the
subtle bodies is moving to the mainstream. Barbara Ann Brennan, the
legendary bio-energy healing pioneer, has written two
books about them - they are part of every Life Lesson Processing practitioner's
education. In a generation or so, students of medicine may be
required to study them during their university training. Oh by the
way, the
Brennan School of Healing is already licenced as a college in the US
of A! These things are no longer an esoteric foolishness - they have
become cutting edge science.
Now, why don't we all become
Brennan practitioners and learn how to lay on hands, heal the
and repair broken
chakras, if this is such a revolutionary way of
healing? Wonderful question. Why don't we all wait until we have a
heart attack before we do something about our health?
There is a thing called
prevention. As a general rule, it is much less expensive, also much
less painful, to take care of things before they have become so
serious that we need an emergency car, a heart surgeon, or a Brennan
practitioner. Typically the alarm signals become very audible much
earlier - if only we listen to them.
Alarm Signals 
Difficulties in our life
lessons often show as a damage in the system of
bodies - or in the one body, if we want to see its different parts
as one layered structure. Such a damage behaves like the signal of one of these modern
phones. They first start to ring with a moderate loudness. If nobody
takes the call, the signal gets louder. Then louder. Then louder and
again louder - until the secretary finally hears it in the break
room and rushes back to the reception desk to pick up the call.
Any damage starts in the most
outer layer, in our connection with the Divine. From there it
proceeds into our conscious thoughts, which are supposed to be
located in the mental body. Then into our feelings, located in the
emotional or astral body. Then into our
impulses to move and to act, located in the
etheric body. If at this point we still have not realized
that there is a problem, the physical body starts to reflect it,
first with pain, then with functional medical problems, finally with a
massive physical incident.
This by the way parallels
exactly the way we go into action: first is the
thought (sometimes
we even perceive the fine nudge from the
spiritual dimension that
precedes the thought) - then based on the thought we get a
based on that feeling we have an
impulse to act, and based on that
impulse we make a physical move. There are spiritual/mental schools
that spend quite a bit of time to practice pinpointing what happens
in which one of the subtle bodies, where exactly and when and how. In Life
Lesson Processing we have a different priority, but as an exercise
that may be quite an interesting thing to do.
How Damage Travels Through To The
Physical Body
The image below shows a damage
that has gone unnoticed all the way through to the physical level - a
frequent problem, difficulties with love. The body area that
corresponds with that is the heart. The damage
started with the connection to the Divine getting lost. Instead of
being connected, separation became prevalent - "Me versus You"
rather than "We". No more feeling snug in
God's Hand! Selfish
thoughts and attitudes followed - they slipped through the scrutiny
of the
conscience. Then cold or hateful feelings - nobody perceived them as
lacking. Selfish impulses and behaviour, bad care of the body (lack
of love even to oneself) - no
self-criticism, no correction by others. Chest pains - no medical
intervention, no change of diet or lifestyle.
So many chances to notice a
problem, and all of them missed! Somehow this person was very alone.
No spouse, no kids, no colleagues, no friends, no family doctor
warned him about any of these alarm signals. He didn't notice them
himself either. If any people were in his life at all, they let him
down big time. Being alone - in other words, being separated -
it started right out there, in the most outer subtle body, the
spiritual body, where the connection to the Supreme Being, the
connection to the whole of
which we are a part is alive - or more dead than
After none of these signals registered, the final heart attack
was the last and strongest warning sign. If after that there are
still no corrections made, this lifetime is over, and there will be
some unpleasant revelations in the
life review after death!
Apparently, this person has completely lost track, so at some
non-physical level, sometimes called "higher self", the person
thinks that they need a break and some rest and a fresh look at
things before they go into the next installment and take on a new

Prevention And Life Lesson
Now the good news is that at any point in this
sequence we can "pick up the phone" and react to the signal, long
before it becomes so massively physical that we need a bio-energy healer or a
medical doctor. Here is where Life Lesson Processing comes in - and
why we believe that it is an essential tool to have: We catch any
difficulties early on. The earlier, the better!
We just need to know what to look for - any troubled
or troubling thoughts,
feelings and
impulses, errors and failures,
guilt and remorse. While they are supposed to have specific
locations in the subtle bodies, they are also directly available
through our mind. No aura photography, no bio-energy monitor
necessary - we
directly ask the mind, which has connections to all these layers.
Okinawa-Diet food guide pyramid emphasizes eating healthy
fat, calcium, flavonoid and omega-3 rich foods. Whole grains
and other
Right Carbs along with vegetables make up the
base of the pyramid. Use the Okinawa-Diet food pyramid to
guide you in making healthy and nutritious food choices. If
you need to lose weight, just cut back on the grains, or
leave them out for a while - vegetables have enough carbs to
sustain you. Also keep an eye on the acidic/alkaline balance
by eating much
alkaline food.
Beware of food pyramids that have only grains at the bottom. They
are outdated and dangerous.
Beware of
soy - its downsides outweigh
by far the one positive
feature of being a plant-based complete protein.
REMARK: We respect the
concepts that advocate a vegetarian diet, but to not share
them - see our thoughts about
ecology and the
food chain. |
First we
check our life's Standard
Lessons and see whether everything is going as expected
there. In each of these lessons there is knowhow involved. If for
some reason there is Subject
Illiteracy in these areas of knowhow, we can work on
resolving that by issuing customized study assignments. Practical
exercise is added where needed.
in Relationships - Erectile and Brain Dysfunction
Part of these standard lessons are
relationships - relations with people in- and outside the family.
More often than not there is much processing work to be done in these areas.
Some other areas of current life can suffer from bad management.
Again we can look for subject illiteracy, maybe about
Sexuality, maybe about
Human Bonding (did you know
that there is more than one bonding type?), maybe in the
area of time management...
One especially important area of knowledge if we
talk about the body is Nutrition. Subject
Illiteracy in nutrition is
a sure way to early disease and death. An unhealthy body also does
not perform well in
relationship matters and love, the maybe most important
thing for human people. Bad nutrition results in bad blood
circulation - the
erectile dysfunction caused by that, as much as it is feared
by men, is still a minor problem compared with the general lack of
libido (not only sex drive but overall creative drive) and redúced
mental capacity coming from a malnourished and inflamed brain (see
Daniel G. Amen's books about that). Actually men are even
lucky, because according to mainstream statistics, 8 years later the
erectile dysfunction is typically followed by much more serious
problems that are also circulation related - heart attacks, strokes,
So they have an early warning sign, right down there where it hurts
most. 8 years is a lot of time for medical activities - if they are
really used and not wasted.
Other sources reduce that warning time to 3-4 years, which
is still enough to do something substantial.
Boiling Frog and Borrowing a Brain
A dysfunctional penis
will spoil the fun in the bedroom, but a dysfunctional brain will
completely sabotage a relationship - any relationship, not only
romantic ones! As memory, libido, perception and judgement
deteriorate - all things where brain health plays an important role
-, so do the connections with a spouse, children, working colleagues
and friends. Irrational reactions and increasing negativity should
ring a bell! Processing practitioners have to be able to spot these
tell-tale indicators and send their client to a medician who has the
knowledge and training to bring a brain back to health.

The proverbial
Boiling Frog: thrown into really hot water, he would
jump out immediately; but put into lukewarm water that gets
slowly heated up, he misses the point of jumping out and is
boiled to death. Actual frogs have proven this metaphor to
be not true, but a similar thing happens a lot in health matters,
especially where the brain, the cognitive organ, is
involved. |
We have two big risk factors here: the
widespread cultural Morphic
Field agreement that deteriorating brain function in our
later years is normal, and nothing can be done about it. Not true -
much can be done about it - see our
Body Biology Links! Doctors who don't know this are simply
not up-to-date - find a better one!
The other risk factor is the famous
Boiling Frog phenomenon: Changes in the brain happen so
slowly that we don't really notice them - just like in the case of
the famous frog, who was put into lukewarm water which was then
heated up very slowly. He failed to recognize the point where the
temperature had increased so much that he was starting to boil to
When bad blood circulation has proceeded to a
critical degree, where a tolerable memory loss and mild
Cognitive Impairment are progressing into full blown
the cognitive impairment is no longer mild. It has developed into a
real inability to think, observe, make decisions or implement plans.
If they happen in ourselves, we often fail to perceive these
changes. Family members may perceive them, but they may believe the
morphic field idea that these things are inevitable.
In such a situation it is essential to borrow
the brain of a person who has studied these things and has seen
people with brain dysfunction return to full health so many times
that they can lend their literacy and certainty to a confused
patient and his discouraged family members. That can well be a Life
Lesson Processing practitioner. - You see why we put quite a bit of an
emphasis on nutrition? With well managed food, these problems may
never come - or they come decades later than in the average
Life Planning and Guidance
But even in a totally healthy person, some life areas may be avoided because they are
emotionally painful. Life Lesson Processing will resolve issues of
Emotional Pain and help to
complete the unfinished learning process typically contained in
painful past key experiences. Other unpleasant or non-optimum
emotions - fear, aggression, even the difficult emotion of apathy -
can be traced down to their roots with the same system.
The next thing to look at are any failed goals
or derailed life dreams. Next, dreams that never took off but still
want to manifest at some point. Some processing will be needed here
to remove painful emotions, but also there may be quite a bit of
study involved to upgrade the knowhow until such dreams can
successfully be implemented.
Here we get into the area of
Personal Lessons,
Plans, and what Barbara Brennan calls
Guidance - the connection to
non-physical helpers, mentors or coaches. Much can be gained from
learning to listening to such "people", or simply to the inner
voice. With all these things lively functioning and well taken care
of, a natural flow of life force from the person's center to the
outside manifestions of life will be maintained, no energy will be
dammed up or blocked or trapped.
If we also actively repair any errors
and keep ourselves responsible and loving, we can catch any
beginning difficulties in the early stages of
feelings and
impulses - they never need to turn up
to a volume so loud and massive that they
impact the physical body.
As a general observation, life tends to spare us
passive lessons like accidents or physical diseases -
movies to demonstrate to
us what we have failed to see - as long as we are
actively learning
something not entirely non-relevant. It's a little like having the
foot on the gas when the road bends - that also tends to keep the
car from skidding.
Emergencies: Medical Care and
Energy Healing
Of course it is necessary to recognize the point
where the physical body has been damaged or is even in acute danger.
At this point it is too late to think
about prevention (although we can still prevent the next health
Energy healing and medical procedures are applied until the physical
structure has been repaired. Life Lesson Processing can be done
parallel, to alleviate emotional pain and take away some of the
general load of negative energy.
If we do processing in such a situation,
Hay's assignments of body parts to certain mental or
emotional issues can be used to trace down the physical problem to
the underlying mental or emotional issue, and look at that in
session - especially helpful if the red thread of
emotional pain is no longer working
because there is a negativity overload.
But generally our focus is on perceiving our
clients' difficulties when they first appear in the subtle bodies,
long before they manifest on the physical level, and getting them
back on course with a smart combination of study, processing and
competent life coaching. |

Louise Hay has found out
that mental and emotional issues typically correlate with
certain body areas. |