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The "Life Lesson Processing" Tree     About Us

Life Lesson Processing (LLP) is a mental training system designed by Heidrun Beer for

Workgroup for Fundamental Spiritual Research, Mental Training and Integrated Health

Original german name: Arbeitskreis für spirituelle Grundlagenforschung, mentales Training und ganzheitliche Gesundheit


Schwarzenberg 20

A-3341 Ybbsitz



Phone: +43-664-3865114

Mail: info@sgmt.at

Web: www.sgmt.at

Webmaster: Heidrun Beer

Life Lesson Processing is not designed and will not be used to diagnose or treat any kind of mental illness or physical disease. Its purpose is for a spiritual being to understand him- or herself better, get more skilled in the use of his or her mind, upgrade his or her life, orient him- or herself toward the "big picture", and complete the lessons that have remained unfinished in his or her past.

Due to legal reasons, we can offer this service only to members of our workgroup - you can register here!

If you want to help spreading the information about this service across the world, your contribution is welcome!

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Last edited: 13.01.2016. (c) 2010 by Heidrun Beer. All rights reserved.