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How To Receive Life Lesson Processing
"Life Lesson Processing" practitioner Heidrun Beer as well as many other practitioners worldwide are trained in methods that are suited to trace down the red thread of emotional pain to key situations in your past that you have never had the chance to really understand.
In personal sessions these key situations, often deeply buried in your unconscious mind, but sometimes also painfully close to the surface, will come to light and fully unfold, so that you can inspect them in great detail, live through them again, and can learn what you could not learn when they originally happened - be it because you did not have enough time, were busy managing a difficult challenge, were physically knocked out, or did not have the strength to look at people or circumstances that were overwhelming you.
Sometimes it would not even have been possible to understand these situations at the time - only today's additional knowledge explains them, and probably this is why they were patiently waiting for us to learn enough to completely sort them out!
The procedures used are so efficient that it typically takes only weeks rather than years of work to uncover and process these past experiences. Once they are really understood and their lessons learned, the emotional pain that has served as a signal for you to come back to these lessons sooner or later, is no longer needed and disappears. The attention and life force that has been frozen into your unfinished lessons will then become available to you for your management of present time, and the creation of future dreams.
We can arrange for these sessions in our center, visit you in your home, or do them over internet phone (Skype). Just give us a call at +43-7956-69441 or send us an e-mail to info@life-lessons.eu, and we make an appointment!
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Last edited: 13.01.2016. (c) 2010 by Heidrun Beer. All rights reserved.